
The lovable and the righteous God you probably wanted to exist

About Us

My name is Claudiu Valentin Neata and I'm an itinerant preacher who wants to live this life for the principles of God's Administration. My love for our Creator offers me the privilege, the chance and the desire to serve you wisely with integrity and comprehensive quality.
I believe in the progressive understanding of God's truth and reality. The Creator of the worlds became Son of Man as well, in the Person of H.M. King Jesus Christ, in order to show us the reality as it is. This understanding makes me to love God who demonstrated practically that He is the Great Servant and "Server" of His creation.
The Bible clearly says that all those who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus, will be persecuted. This will be something that can be taken - by certain sincere individuals - as an important evidence of the fact that God really exists and this enmity against His righteousness is a manifestation of a demonic attitude originated in Lucifer. This wicked individual inserted the same enmity also in the human nature in Eden, the garden created, probably and approximately 5700 years ago. Consequently, I'm ready to share with all those who are sincerely interested aspects of how I was persecuted for God's righteousness.

I know how important emphaty is for those who are struggling with loneliness, self-destructive behaviours and depression. I founded this Christian Ministry, by God's grace, to help this kind of individuals and in order to try to provide [almost?] everything you need spiritually in one place and at the best quality I can. I will also seek to perform all that is necessary for a transition from your eventual current dissatisfaction to a higher level of spiritual growth. In a world that is constantly changing, you can be sure that all the individuals who share the spiritual values presented here - and choose to cooperate with me - will be by your side with every step of the process that involves your progressive understanding of God's truth, the one that will help you to love Him more and more, because He's worthy of our love and trust.
This site is under construction and you'll notice that sometimes I say "We" instead of "I". That's due to the fact that I'm not alone in this "project" of my life and in the process of creating this website. God is with me because He always worked, according with His righteousness, with all those who loved Him, despite their limited understanding of His reality and truth.
Despite the fact that what happened to the apostle Paul - when he was in danger among false brethren - could happen to me also, I declare that for me all those who say they are Christians are genuine believers until the contrary is undoubtedly proven. If someone's understanding about God doesn't make him/her to genuinely love humanity, the Creator and the animal kingdom, then that view of God is not a real and divine one. I strongly believe that the Holy Spirit will confirm as truth in the mind of all the individuals who will hear a very important understanding about God that can sanctify lives.

Caring for people, animal kingdom and the environment

Here's what we're about


You can count on our faith, the faith of the Lamb of God, that it's able to make sure your project is completed with His care.


We always try to perform "the projects" entrusted to us with the utmost quality and integrity.


The fact that our work aims to spread altruistically to regions all over the globe is a true indication of our sincerity and love for humanity, by God's grace.


We always try maximize our resources to work hard and to help as many people we can, as long as we can. Our journey on this planet as it is now is short and we want to make it be an altruistic one.


Our backgrounds afford us the ability to see things from a number of different perspectives. Because we want to be always humble and meek, I will never expose on this website, or anywhere else, the names of all the individuals who were helped through this Ministry. I would like to follow also the example of Robert Boyle, the christian scientist who helped a lot of people, many of them not even knowing who helped them.


Taking the time to fully understand how to proceed is atop our list of priorities.


I want to keep a close eye on every component of our work to ensure nothing is left out.


I want to take time to invest it in showing empathy to every single individual, and always try to provide a comfortable experience. A particular emphasis will be put on helping the widows and the orphans.

Statement of faith

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